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uniQure Announces It Will Not Seek Marketing Authorization Renewal for Glybera in Europe

Posted on: 20 April 2017, source: UniQure
uniQure N.V. (NASDAQ:QURE), a leading gene therapy company advancing transformative therapies for patients with severe medical needs, today announced that it will not pursue the renewal of the Glybera® (alipogene tiparvovec) marketing authorization in Europe when it is scheduled to expire on October 25, 2017. "The decision to not pursue marketing authorization renewal of Glybera in Europe involved a thoughtful and careful evaluation of patient needs and the clinical use of the therapy, and is not related to any risk-benefit concern," stated Matthew Kapusta, chief executive officer of uniQure. "Glybera's usage has been extremely limited and we do not envision patient demand increasing materially in the years ahead."