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News: Gene therapy for Crigler-Najjar syndrome - First patient treated in the European clinical trial
Following patient recruitment and preliminary observation period, the first patient was injected by Prof. Labrune at Beclere Hospital in Clamart, France. Genethon, the AFM-Telethon laboratory, is sponsoring this multicenter international phase I/II trial, injecting intravenously an AAV vector that is able to transfer the UGT1A1 gene (coding for the production of bilirubin GT) into liver cells. A total of 17 patients will be treated over the next few months.

Conference: CAR-TCR Summit Europe
The industry-focused CAR-TCR Summit Europe takes place from 25-27 February, 2019, in London and is dedicated to developing, translating and delivering next generation CAR and TCR therapies for patients in Europe. Join over 250 of Europe’s leading drug developers to learn about never-before-seen clinical updates and novel technology to improve solid tumour targeting, advance allogeneic therapy development and automate manufacturing processes in order to create a targeted, efficacious and commercially viable cancer therapy.

For more information, visit

Conference: International Society for BioProcess Technology 9th Spring Meeting
Join for a truly enlightening experience at our 9th Spring Meeting, which will be held March 4–6, 2019 in Norfolk, Virginia.

All of our programs are focused on providing real data and detailed methods for which you’ll learn and share scalable technologies with the individuals and organizations you want to learn from. You’ll participate in the most valuable and challenging discussions on the development and production of the industry’s most difficult applications including viral gene vectors, extracellular vesicles, cellular therapies, viral vaccines, and products derived with baculovirus technology. You can attend any talk you choose from the four concurrent programs, plus you’ll participate in a number of fun and stimulating networking events throughout the meeting that you can attend at no additional cost. This meeting offers unique opportunities to share technology with some of the most talented people in the biotech industry, plus key regulators and essential supply firms.


Conference: 2nd Annual Bioprocessing Summit Europe - Cell and Gene Therapy
The Bioprocessing Summit Europe (19 - 21 March 2019, Lisbon, Portugal) brings together leading upstream, downstream and biomanufacturing scientists to share day-to-day challenges and practical solutions for today's bioprocessing needs. Now in its second year, this six-conference event presents the latest science, case studies, technology updates, and best practices in cell culture, scale-up, recovery, purification, continuous manufacturing, process intensification, and, new for 2019, cell and gene therapy CMC and manufacturing.

The Summit also features two Training Seminars, six Short Courses, interactive Breakout Sessions, a joint Plenary Keynote session, and a lively Exhibit Hall to provide in-depth coverage of critical bioprocess topics.


Conference: 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy
ConferenceSeries LLC Ltd welcome you all to attend 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy (CELL THERAPY 2019) follows the theme “Novel innovations and breakthroughs in Cell and Gene Therapy” which will be held during March 21-23, 2019, Rome, Italy. We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the arena of Cell & Gene Therapy conferences.

Cell Therapy Conferences will provide a perfect platform to all the Doctors, Researchers, Business Delegates and Scientists to approach and deliver all the attendees about the latest scientific advancements on the respective sphere. Gene Therapy Conferences strategic astuteness is to be an event for bringing together Scientists, Physicians, International mix of leading Universities, Cell Gene Therapy Institutions to transform the practice of medicine by incorporating the use of genetic and Cellular Therapies to control and cure human disease.


Conference: 3rd Annual Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders Summit
The Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders focuses exclusively on overcoming the late-stage commercial challenges drug developers face when delivering gene therapies to market. The event takes places during March 26-28, 2019 in Boston, MA.

Incorporating insights from 50+ industry-leading speakers, this unique conference delves into the key regulatory, reimbursement, clinical and manufacturing hurdles that need to be overcome to realize the commercial potential of gene therapies. Join 350+ of your colleagues to accelerate the progress of the next generation of gene therapies that show improved efficacy, enhanced safety and commercial viability.


- 30 - 31 January 2019, CAR-T Congress EU, London, UK
- 30 - 31 January 2019, Gene Therapy – Ready for the Market?, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 6 - 7 February 2019, Annual Cell and Gene Therapy Innovation Summit, Berlin, Germany
- 20 - 21 February 2019, 10th Annual RNA Therapeutics Conference, London, UK
- 25 - 27 February 2019, CAR-TCR Summit Europe 2019, London, UK
- 4 - 6 March 2019, International Society for BioProcess Technology 9th Spring Meeting - Viral vectors and vaccines, Norfolk, Virginia
- 7 - 8 March 2019, Spring Symposium of the Netherlands Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (NVGCT), Lunteren, The Netherlands
- 19 - 21 March 2019, 2nd Annual Bioprocessing Summit Europe - Cell and Gene Therapy, Lisbon, Portugal
- 20 - 21 March 2019, The Therapeutic Genome Editing Congress, Boston, MA
- 21 - 22 March 2019, ExCELLence 2019 : The Cell and Gene Therapy Conclave 2019, London, UK
- 21 - 22 March 2019, 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Advanced Cell and Gene Therapy, Rome, Italy
- 26 - 28 March 2019, 3rd Annual Gene Therapy for Rare Disorders, Boston, MA
- 2 – 4 April 2019, CAR-T Congress USA, Boston, MA
- 3 – 5 April 2019, 4th Spring school of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), Naples, Italy
- 8 – 10 April 2019, 6th World Congress on Human Genetics and Genetic Diseases, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 29 April - 2 May 2019, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 22th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
- 14 - 15 May 2019, Cell Series US Congress: Cell Culture & Bioprocessing and Cell & Gene Therapy, Boston, MA
- 15 - 17 May 2019, World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress 2019, London, UK
- 25 - 26 May 2019, Gordon Research Conference: Virusses & Cells, Lucca, Italy
- June 2019 CAR-TCR Summit Asia 2019, Singapore
- 4 - 5 June 2019, Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 19 - 21 June 2019, Annual conference of the British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (BSGCT), Sheffield, UK
- 20 - 23 July 2019, The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Gene Therapy (JSGT), Tokyo, Japan
- 9 - 10 September 2019, The Gene Therapy 2019 - Novel Approaches in Human Genome and Genetic Disorders, London, UK
- 9 - 10 September 2019, The Epigenetics 2019: New insights in Gene Expression, London, UK
- 10 - 13 September 2019, CAR-TCR Summit Boston 2019, Boston, MA
- 9 October 2019, The Cell & Gene Therapy Strategy Meeting Europe, Zurich, Switzerland
- 21 – 25 October 2019, XXVII Congress of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT), Barcelona, Spain


Gene Therapy Net is the information resource for basic and clinical research in gene therapy, and the site serves as a network in the exchange of gene therapy information and breaking news items. Visitors can keep track of the latest scientific papers, conference announcements, gene therapy jobs, regulations and guidelines. Other information websites created and maintained by the owner of Gene Therapy Net are Dengue Virus Net, Influenza Virus Net, Ebola Virus Net, Chikungunya Virus Net and Zika Virus Net.
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