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Gene Therapy Net Press Release
Gene Therapy Enters New Success Story Online - Scattered Gene Therapy Information Collected On Comprehensive Website. Article Date: 18 Sep 2008.
Gene therapy was born with the successful treatment of a four-year old patient suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency in 1990. Thirteen years later the first commercial gene therapy medicine was available on the market in China. The field of gene therapy is growing extremely fast. Researchers experience that it is hard to keep up with new developments, whereas patients have difficulties to find suitable clinical trials to participate in. With the launch of a new online portal this year, relevant gene therapy information is now collected on a comprehensive website.
The Ethics of Gene Therapy of Inherited diseases - CONSERT Symposium
13 November 2008, The Ethics of Gene Therapy of Inherited diseases - CONSERT Symposium, Brugge, Belgium. Curing severe genetic disorders via genetic modification of somatic cells has been seen as a great challenge for some decades. Clinical studies showed high level of efficacy and considerable benefit relative to existing therapy but not without serious adverse effects in some patients. This is why planning research in this field of molecular medicine and deciding on the next steps is not only a difficult medical task but also an ethical one. Ethical decision making has to take into account not only what we can learn from clinics and from the labs where safety research is conducted but also what we still have to learn. The ethics of gene therapy has to find a way between excessive optimism and unjustified scepticism.
China and Gene therapy section updated
Chinese biotechnology companies added, as well as useful links.

Gene Therapy Net is the information resource for basic and clinical research in gene therapy, and the site serves as a network in the exchange of gene therapy information and breaking news items. Visitors can keep track of the latest scientific papers, conference announcements, gene therapy jobs, regulations and guidelines,

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